Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Natural Soros: Bridgette and Courtney

You never notice how many people in your life are natural go natural. Pictured below are two sisters, who are family friends. I love their hair!

Courtney (above) has been natural for about 3 years. She is rocking a wash and go in the pictures above using Miss Jessies Products (I believe curly pudding, custard, somein' sweet, lol). Bridgette, below has been natural for about 8 years. She is rocking 2 strand twist that were curled at the ends. She also looooves Miss Jessies Products for her hair. I still have yet to purchase anything from the Miss Jessie line. I just can't justify the cost for my hair being so short right now, but once it is their length, I'd definitely give it a whirl!

Isn't black hair shrinkage amazing! Our hair like doubles in size when its stretched! Man, God knew what he was doing.

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