Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 7 of HCG

Ahhh....the diet! I have to admit, yesterday, I did go out for cocktails and a chili dog...(it was quite necessary), but all and all I have completed my first week of the diet. So far this week I have lost almost 10 lbs! Almost I say, because yesterday's little diversion threw my count off a little, but today I have had a mostly apple day (will write about that later) so I hope tomorrow the weight starts coming off again.

I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred again yesterday. Lady K and I did it together, well she did about 3 minutes and then laid across me and pulled on me as I did the rest. I believe since I had the extra weight of a 26 lb child on me during my work out, I deserved a day off, so today I took it. Instead of the workout, I jogged for about 20 minutes and that was enough.

I have some pictures of what I've been eating, but I just came upstairs to write and had my thumb drive and of course, its lost. I'm not well. I loose everything at the drop of a hat. I have my phone one minute, next, its lost, I have my purse, yep, lost. This is like the longest running case of baby brain in history I'm sure.

Anyhoo, diet going good. I will say, I have surpassed the hump where I'm starving and have to have everything in sight to stuff in my mouth. I don't crave sweets as much or bread. I do think this week will be awesome. I plan to loose lots! More to come... later alligators.

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