Saturday, March 1, 2008

Leap Day Surprise!!!!!

LIL BOOGIE! GUESS WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY? Your Daddy "officially" proposed!!!Basically that means Daddy asked Mommy to be with him forever and ever and she got a great new piece of jewelery!

Daddy totally surprised Mommy! He took her out for a meal I love, but could barely get down, lol. And then when we were leaving the restaurant we started our lovey dovey talk in the car. Why do you love me, do you want to marry me one day, why, etc... We talk like this all the time. I'm sure you'll hear it soon enough:-) And then....BAM! Daddy pulled out the most beautiful ring for Mommy!!!

It is such a special day/year because he proposed of February 29, 2008 and that date only comes around once every four years. You remember when I told you about the year you are being born in has one extra day...well yesterday was the day!! Your Daddy is soooo great! I hope if you are a boy your turn out to be just like him and if you are a girl you are lucky enough to find a man who will make you just as happy as Daddy makes Mommy!!!
Mommy and Daddy are legally going to be a family. The wedding date is set for May 25th, 2008. Though Mommy didn't need a ring or anything else to make her love Daddy more and know that she is going to be with him, forever, but I must admit...I did fall a little bit further in love with him.
Needless to say this was all too much excited for me and you yesterday so shortly after getting in the house, instead of celebrating with maybe...champagne...Mommy need a nap! But she was happy in her sleep!


  1. BLING BLING ! I love the ring.

    Your Daddy is such a sweetheart. That's why he chose your Mommy 'cause she's a sweet heart too.

    You are gonna have to watch out for cavities Lil Boog with all that sweet.

    I'm so Happy for you both, oops all three of you.

    I love you.

    Mema Franie

  2. All right Tyrone. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. The ring is beautiful. Brandiss,that's right, don't hide the ring under the covers while you are sleeping. Diamonds love the fresh air ( lol)
