Thursday, March 20, 2008

10 Weeks (Daddy Edition)

Whats up kid. This is your father?, your Daddy?, Pop?, I havent figured out what youll call me yet, but thats ok. Im writing today because you are now 10 weeks old in there. And apparently from what I can tell, ten weeks means you make mommy crazy, lol. Just kidding, Ill get in trouble for that one . Youre getting bigger and bigger and looking more like your daddy everyday. Your mommy's been a little sick today, Im sure its because youre just excited about MARCH MADNESS, Go Carolina!, but she'll be fine, hopefully she'll get some sleep tonight and tomorrow she will feel better. HOPEFULLY!:)

I posted a picture of what you may look like this week. Pretty cool aint it...isn't it, I mean.

Not a whole bunch to say, just keep growing, stay healthy, take it easy on mommy, and I'll see u in October.


  1. Aunt Donna ( jersey aunt)March 21, 2008 at 11:55 AM

    Oh, he's /she's sooo cute!!! I like "daddy". I just can't wait to hear your son/daughter say dada. Brandiss, eat crackers! Lots of them.

  2. Ditto on that cracker thing...

    And Daddy, isn't it a bit early to be doing the whole sports indoctrination thing?

    Well since you said Carolina I guess it's auight! I mean alright.
