Saturday, March 29, 2008


Boogie Woogie...guess what your Daddy did today??? He bbq'd for Mommy! She has been craving bbq hot dogs so today after doing some shopping, he bought a grill and fired it up. I must say I was impressed and it was so nice to eat a Daddy created meal, lol.

Today was a good day. Mommy and Daddy cleaned house, and relaxed a little. Then we went to registering for the wedding. It was pretty fun. We picked out some cool things that I hope we really get. We also went to look for a mattress and Mommy discovered her sleep number is somewhere between 45 and 70 depending on the pillow top. Daddy wasn't too please with the price of the mattresses Mommy LOVED, but hopefully he will see its beneficial for me and you. We need our rest and our needs change on a hourly basis so having a bed that can grow or deflate with us is necessary.

What we did decide is we need to upgrade to a King bed so we will have room when you come to sleep with us. Though Daddy does not think this will happen often, lets see who's really the boss when you arrive.

Anyhoo, your sweet Uncle Kevin is here watching the game with Daddy, so I'm going to take a nap. I love you sooo much!

1 comment:

  1. The food was pretty good, but it took your Pop about two hours to put together a 3 dollar grill.....but I didnt have any leftover pieces...Sweet!
