Saturday, February 16, 2008

Craving of the week...

So today Daddy and I spent the day in the city. Mommy LOVES going into the city and walking around, it had been a long time. Daddy and I typically stay in on Saturdays (he taught Mommy the "art" of satting down somewhere) so it was refreshing to spead our love on the outside for a change, lol. We went shopping for rings for Mommy (you'll see it one day:-) and to get some delicious food.

Mommy thinks you have an Asian theme going on in there because you LOVE rice! Mommy wants it everyday with every meal. I don't think thats a bad thing though. Its very filling. Daddy and I ate this afternoon and I'm still full/bloated, lol. Actually, I feel "bloated" after every meal.

Quick lesson Lil' Boog, Ladies typically try and preserve their sexy and hold their stomachs in a little to minimize the pooch, but Mommy's is already poking out! I can only imagine what it'll look like in say... a month, lol. I'll have Daddy take a pix to put on here tomorrow.

Anyhoo...I'm attaching your favorite meal of the week. I'm sure it will vary as the weeks and months pass, but I can't get enough of this right now:-)

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