Monday, February 25, 2008

Corporate Mommy

Lil' Boogie, your Mommy has been fortunate (I use that word loosely) to have a really good job. I have good benefits and am able to learn lots that help the Government go round.

With all that said and done, Mommy is sleepy! And she thinks she is suffering from baby brain. Today, she was faced with the revision of 3 contracts and doing a negotiation and typically, that'd be exciting because Mommy loves a challange, but today, she just wanted to cry.

She told her boss her baby brain wouldn't let her do it. After about 40 minutes on the phone, they worked it out and she completed it, but man, Corporate Mommy 2 Be is tough.

In addition to being your Mommy, I have to be the pseudo Mommy for many grown ups and right now Mommy is just tooo exhausted. I think I'm going to take my mandated "BABY BREAKS" (I get an hour every 4 to go take a nap) and just go relax and talk to you so you don't feel that Corporate Mommy doesn't have time for you. You are most important, now and forever!

1 comment:

  1. You know what I told your Mommy,
    If they offer it, TAKE IT!

    I wish I could get an hour to nap during the day.

    Don't worry Mommy, Your Baby Brain will engage again. It's just those durn hormones. . .
