Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My BFF I've Never Met: Marsha Ambroisious

I know, you are tired of hearing about her from me...but I can't help it. I heart this chick. Everytime I hear something or read something about her, it is like, exactly how I would respond. Or what I would do. Or what I would say. I recently fell upon her cute blog Marsha Ambrosius Honestly and was too delighted to know she is also a blogger. Of course being a mega star she isn't able to update it that often, but I was able to go through and read some of her musings and love her voice.

I feel like, if she and I met in real life, we would have so much to talk about. Music, life, weight, hair, name it!

Anyhoo, I'm sure, one day, if the stars align she and I will meet again (remember, we've met before). One day me, her and Amber Rose are all going out for sushi and shit talking. It is like my dream come true.

Here's to hoop dreams!

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