Sunday, January 13, 2008

Rae Pembroke Would Love...Some mutha@#@$# sleep!

Ok, so its...4:11 am and I am still up.

If its not the restless legs its my over anxious, computer for a brain thinking of a million things I should be doing. So I decided to get up and do them. I cleaned the bathroom, did the dishes, started taking down the christmas decorations (I know, that shoulda been done already) and then watched an episode of Martin while poppin ballons that still have helium from my birthday party!

After that I quickly stopped because I was sure I heard the Beau coming downstairs, and knew he'd realize he has moved in with a crazy woman and pack his shyt...but it was the dryer (I washed a load of clothes too).

So...after my neat freak attack I'm still up. I've checked my email (only marketing), I've checked my myspace (nothing) and now I blog...

Maybe I shouldn't have taken that 3 hour nap earlier, but dammit I was sleepy! or maybe I should have a cocktail...its 5:00 somewhere.

Hope you all had a good night...damn I wish I had a requip right now!

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