Monday, January 21, 2008

The numbers game...Do you Love It?

So, I was recently reading a copy of the Beau's Maxium Magazine and there was an article about the dreaded "numbers" question.

Do you tell or want to know how many partners your guy has had? Would you tell the truth when asked? Is it better to have higher or lower numbers? Is it sexier for a man with low numbers or a woman...and vice-versa?

My policy on this is like the army...don't ask, don't tell. I don't know how I would feel if I found out my guy was a virgin before me...or to find out he was a himbo. Is there any magic number that could make me feel ok? Do men with higher numbers really know what they are doing moreso than a man with lower numbers or does a man with lower numbers mean he likes to practice his craft with one girl? you really want to know?


  1. I don't know Rae, I'm torn on the issue. It shouldn't matter when you love someone right? Each time is the first time...blah, blah, blah. Is it true that men are like M&Ms. 1 is not enough but too many will make you pukey?

  2. LMAO! Renee, I absolutely LOVE that quote relating M&M's and men, lol and I def think that too many will make you pukey...especially all at one time...hold on...that's just what I've heard...not totally sure.

  3. Nobody wants to know the answer to this question...Dont ask questions when you dont really want the answers...just my advice ..:)

  4. Where do you draw the line with a man? How many women is too many? In my 20s men typically admitted to having been with 6 or so, my 30s, 12 or so, my 40s, they don't give a damn, some of them have been with more than 100 women. Maybe disgusting, I don't know. Where HIV is concerned is it an issue when all it takes is 1? There is that twisted side of me, that compells me to ask. : - )

  5. I dont want to know B, I swear I dont. I once dumped a guy for being a virgin and another for having over 50, so now I just DONT WANT TO KNOW!! It ruins things for me.
