Friday, January 4, 2008

Rae Pembroke Loves...Charity Work

Last year around this time, I was...coerced (to say the least) into walking a marathon and a half (approximately 39 miles) for charity. It was a good cause and I'm charity whore, so I said...sure. Raise the money, walk it out, win/win.
I felt like walking wasn't that bad, even if it was 39 miles over 2 days...I mean, I walk everyday. So, I didn't really practice walking...I knew how to do that. Instead...I practiced drinking, lmao. The days of the practice walks I was way too hung over to get out there and "practice" walking and I'm a pro walk is mean.

So, day of the walk I'm cute, ready, got my new sneaks, even had a fresh hair cut with the cancer ribbon tatted...I was nice.

And...6 miles into the walk...who has to stop at the CVS because their arch guessed me...! And 15 miles into the walk who had to call their BFF because they were going into hypotherimia...yep, that'd be me...and who at mile 24 said fuck chairty bring that sweep van to take me

But the next day, I got out and I walked again...well...kinda walked. It was more like a limp, hop, walk, type thing, but whatever. 4 miles into that...I was bandgaged up on both ankles and by 10 miles my entire "team" had spit in my face and left me (just joking).

But...something in me...pride, enertia, dumbness, something, made me keep going and I did finish...the walk. And it was one of the proudest moments of my life.

Most of you may wonder why I'm telling this story...well...its because...on the train, I saw the posters for walk and it brought up so much feeling in me. I thought to walk, that walk, that walk was some bullshit! It damn near killed me, and for charity! Ha!! They have those fake as pictures of those ladies smiling and embracing when everyone really is funky and hungry and hurting and pissed they even signed up for the "walk"...!!!!!!!!!!

After that "walk", I can barely walk now, I have tendonitis, shin splints and everything else. Pop, lock and drop has a new meaning for me. It is what happens when I try to bend down to pick up something. My legs pop, then lock, and I drop whatever I had in my hands from the pain.

So booooooooooooo that false advertisment! Below is how the ad should look....


  1. Whoa, so not where i thought u were going with this one, lol

  2. Are you kidding? U were the walk Diva. So what U had a lil tech difficulty? I respect Ur effort sooo much Super Trooper! I felt bad about that drag shuffle U were still doing a week after the walk though. Anywho... There is always 2009!

  3. LMAO! That was hilarious B! I enjoyed the picture at the bottom too, classic!
