Thursday, January 17, 2008

Rae Pembroke is Mad as Hell

I came from this town where they had "Mad as Hell Mondays" and people would call in and tell the host about something that pissed them off over the weekend.

Well, I'm having mad as hell Thursday right now! I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired. My job is dumb and I did not go to college for this. I went to college so I could be a house wife! And look pretty and go to the gym in the morning after I drop those kids off to day care or school. And get my hair did once a week along with my nails and toes.

And have lunch and Bloody Mary's with the other house wives as we discuss our next "fun"raiser for the Barack Obama campaign and we'll wear our cute "Obama Mama" shirts.

What happened to that dream???

Is it over?

Is it possible?

What has happened to my life? Working 10 hours days, slaving over paperwork, I've even been reduced to drinking coffee. Yes, I've become a Yuppie:-( I learned today that if you want to put a lot of milk you have to tell the person by the number of fingers you have or somethign like that.

Well...what next...I'll be caring a brief case and be sporting a scary shapeless trench coat before its all over. And loafer...and not cute gucci ones, they'll probably be something from like aerosoles since I have to walk...

And stockings...I hate stockings...

...Mad as Hell...


  1. Tell em why you man son!
    I have that same dream and i hope to be fulfilling it very very soon.

  2. House wife...?
    Let it gooooooo
    Let it goooooooooo

  3. Rae! Girl, you right, thasright! I feel you on every thing you said. I too went to college to find a husband. Two husbands later and no college degree I can tell you that the girls who have the best laid plans... get laid. And thats all I have to say about that!
