Friday, March 11, 2011


So, in K's school, there is this little girl. Well, big little girl. Every time I come in and she sees me, she pushes past all the other kids to come and give me a very aggressive hug. I think to myself, "Dang girl", but instead give her a sweet mommy smile and rub her little big back.

Well on this day, she was looking especially cute. Typically ummmm...she's not (I'm sorry). She had on a dress and her hair was braided really nicely. So I told her, "You look really nice today, I love your dress", in which she replied in her REALLY raspy baby voice "I like YOUR dress, and you got on two belts"...wait for it, wait for it "AND my favorite ice cream in VANILLA". WTH, LMAO!

It took all my mom energy and tack to not roll on the floor and bust out laughing. What did that exchange even mean. Did she want some ice cream? Did she think she was supposed to get some because she gave me a compliment...and most importantly...did I have on two belts? LOL! This had me cracking up because kids are so freakin' honest and just kinda say what they want. I am somewhat of a blurter too, so I thought it was amazing cute and made me fall a little in love with Raspusha (this I'm sure is not her name, but you get the reference.

So, here is a really bad bathroom pix I took when I got to work, of my two belts.

I can see where she got that from, lol. But I love it love it love it. I wear my skirts up really high with a very wide belt now and tight tops because awesomely I have lost so much weight, my work clothes don't fit. I'm reserving my shopping spree to buy new work clothes for a new job. So, I get creative with options from my old suits.

I decided that day, if I had any meetings, I was going to open with "Hello, thank you for coming favorite ice cream is Superman." But I didn't get the chance.

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