Friday, May 30, 2008

20 weeks!

Kennedy (that's you name and we love it). You are 20 weeks and Mommy can feel you more than ever!

Last week was your first trip to the west coast. Mommy and Daddy got married in Las Vegas, NV and it was great. The weather cooled down for us and everything! Mommy def walked way too much and ate at all the wrong times, but you made it through!

Mommy and you are "officially" Smith's! Brandiss Rae Smith and Kennedy Rae Smith, that sounds awesome!

Today, Mommy and Daddy went to your 20 week appointment. We got to see you again and you are as usual perfect! You already have perfect fingers and toes, they are all there and look awesome. No club foot, no defects, perfect! You have a perfect head, perfect body, and everything is on target for you to be 40 weeks.

Mommy was so excited to see you she forgot to see how long you were and how much you weigh, but I'm guessing you are about 9-11 oz, and about 10 inches long from foot to heel...about the length of a banana. You had a full belly and bladder which means you are digesting good and eating which is awesome and Mommy gained 8lbs so finally, we both are eating good!

I asked your Daddy to bring your new ultrasound picture up here, but in true Daddy form, he's hardheaded and hasn't so I'm going to make sure he posts it later.

We love you Kennedy!

1 comment:

  1. I love you too Kennedy. The wedding was great. Mommy (my new daughter) was so Beautiful and your daddy was Mr. GQ -(i'm sure he'll explain that to you when you're older). We had a great time in Vegas and I walked way too much and ate way too much too. I hope that is not a family trait. hmmm ??? Hopefully Mommy will put some of the wedding pictures on the blog so you can see.

    Love to the Smith trio.
