Monday, July 21, 2008

27.5 weeks Photos

As promised, here are me and Daddy's latest preggo photos. They were taken 4th of July weekend (about 2 weeks ago). As you can see, Mommy's face is quite poofy, lol. But at the end, I dressed it up good.

Daddy and I went to a BBQ in the day and a white party at night. You behaved even though we kept you out well past your bedtime, lol.

I promise we will put some recent preggo pix up now.

We had our 28 week Doctor appointment today! Daddy came and we got to ask the Doctor lots of questions about when you arrive. We have chose Fairfax hospital to have you in Virginia. I'm getting very excited as we are in the third trimester, only 12 weeks to go lil' Momma! You kicked the Doctor while she was checking your heartbeat, lol. Very cute. Mommy gained 4lbs and is right on target in size for your pending birth!

We love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great Pictures guys. . .
    You look so good.

    I miss you though...
