Friday, December 21, 2007

Is who you really are only discovered after you see yourself in love?

Quote of the day...

..."Love is too strong a word to say it too early, but it has too beautiful a meaning to say it too late...."

So about me:
Younger than 30...
In love (8 months almost...don't trip, that's a long ass time)

Last night during pillow talk I discovered I'm a totally different person than I was 8 months ago. I had all these "I never's" that have totally disapaited (is that a word) since this man has come along and rocked my world. And so it made me wonder...was I a fraud all that time? Do you really only know yourself after you fall in love?

So I thought I knew what kind of girlfriend I'd be (or had been) and what type of wife I'd make. I thought I knew what I'd put up with and someone was supposed to do for me...and now I look up and am like...who the fuck are you lady?

I went from Soul Train, to Marc Train. Party Time to just Thyme (the spice). Happy hour to...Crocheting Hour. And I'm not even married yet. Its like there was this...grandmother that lived inside of me all this time and though she would peek her lil gray head out during Christmas...she was buried down deep. I wonder what she was thinking all those late nights at Love the Club and...the diner....dun, dun, dunnnnnnnn. She must've been responsible for all those hangovers...

Well she's here and she's queer now. And nothing I can do but love her...and him...and enjoy the ride.


  1. So if youre Kerri, does that make me Big?

    Love is kryptonite, it takes away ALLLL your powers nothing u can do..;)

  2. I liked this blog B, I was the same way, had all these plans and/or ideas about the type of girlfriend/wife I would be, but that totally changed, it was for the better and I think it not only taught me more about myself but also taught me more about love.
