Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Super Busy Mommy to Be; 16 weeks

Hello My Love,
Mommy has been busy, busy, busy and hasn't been able to update as much as I'd like to. I'm going to basically just let you know everything that has been going on with you the past couple of weeks.
You are 1 day shy of 16 weeks! You are growing up so fast and your Mommy is at awe! This past weekend your entire family was here to see you! Both your Grandma's, Both your Aunt Donna's, your cousins, and friends. It was Mommy's Bridal Shower and we had a blast! I'm so glad everyone was able to make it!

You in the past couple of weeks have continued to progress. You are about the size of an apple and Mommy would swear she can feel you moving around more and more everyday. Your legs are now longer than your arms, your lungs are beginning to develop, your heart is pumping and you are even growing toenails!!! I love it!

I have my check up tomorrow where I get Quad Testing. This testing makes sure everything with you is good, and I know it will be because you are so blessed already! I'm going to try to coerce the doctor to do a quick check to see if you are a girl or boy, but if now, we'll have 2 more weeks to wait.

I miss hearing your heartbeat and can't wait to hear it tomorrow morning! I wish Daddy would've let me buy that Doppler, lol.

I'm going to attach your picture of how big you are this week!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

13 weeks...and 4 days

I know...Mommy is getting later and later with her posts. I used to work on them at work or when I got home from work. But now, since my assignment has changed I am in front of a computer ALL day and can't stand to see it when I get home. Again, I'm going to make sure Daddy helps Mommy a little with this.

So, we made it to the second trimester Lil' Boogie!!! I'm so happy to be at this new stage with you. Well be here for a while (through July 17, 2008), lol. Your mom is in her 4th month of pregnancy! That seems like a lot doesn't it, lol. I keep trying to make up milestones because I really can't wait to see you and have you in my arms.

So, whats going on with you this week...lets see... fingerprints formed on your tiny fingertips. This will be one of your only identifiers and they will never change. How awesome! Your veins and organs are clearly visible through your still-thin skin and your body is starting to catch up with your head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. You are almost 3 inches long!

Its so crazy when i look at the picture below in comparison with the other weeks. You little pooch keeps getting bigger and bigger...and this week Mommy could def feel it! I'd swear I could feel your little flutters, seriously! Its so awesome, when I move or change positions, I can feel you reacting. These are really small virbrations, but I can feel it.

Anyhoo, they say this is the best trimester...so far, Mommy has still been a ball of emotions, not really having much energy, wanting to clean, cook, etc. Hopefully that "burst" of energy everyone talks about is coming soon.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

12 Weeks...and 2 days

Boogie! You have made it to 3 months! Mommy is so excited. She thought maybe Daddy would write this blog, but...she was wrong, lol.

Mommy and Daddy have been pretty busy preparing for the wedding in a month. Today, Mommy went to look and try on dresses that will fit both me and you on our special day. Auntie Deanna accompanied Mommy on her anxiety filled search. We'll see how that goes..., lol.

Anyhoo, about you! Mommy has been very emotional this week and its probably because I'm starting the transistion from first trimester to the second. This week you are building your Reflexes....HOW AWESOME! You are learning to open and close your hands, curl your toes, and start sucking! Soon enough Mommy will feel that streching Aunt Donna (Jersey) warned her about.

You are the size of a lemon! WOW! I would swear I can feel you a little, but I'll wait a couple of more weeks to really share that news with the world, lol. Only about 6 more weeks until we find out if you are a girl or a boy! I can't wait!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Day My Life Changed Forever

Above is a picture from the day Mommy found out she was pregnant with you. She'd promised Auntie Tarsha and Carol that she would meet them out later that night. Daddy was also going to dinner with a couple of his friends.

On Mommy's way home from work, I had Daddy stop at the pharmacy because I didn't feel great and something was just a little off. I got a OTC pregnancy test and didn't tell Daddy. He suspected I was acting weird, but knew it should have been that "time of the month" so he didn't say anything, lol.

I went home, took the test and within seconds...a positive popped up! I was soooooo nervous and shocked and happy and scared...all at the same. Daddy was getting ready for his man-date and I slinked in the room and handed him the test. He of course lit up with excitement and the rest is history.

We both still went out with our friends and spead the news of the upcoming birth. This was a great day I'll remember forever!