Today you are 17 weeks young and Mommy is going in for a check up. Over the weekend you gave Mommy and Daddy a scare with some pains in her side and back so the Doctor wants to take a look to make sure everything is okay...especially after Daddy frantically paged her at midnight on Saturday, lol.
All of you screening test came back negative and you are in deed as perfect as I knew you would be. No genetic defects, no chormosoneal issues, just a perfectly healthy lil baby (girl or boy).
Anyhoo, Mommy and Daddy have been in major discussion about how the body works and your Daddy, though very cute, thinks you are a fish...or are living like one since you floating around in all that good fluid. He also thinks that you and I are linked through dual end umbilical cords and though I get how he can imagine these things, we want him to be very informed, at least by the time you are...18 and he has the conversation with you on how baby's are born.
Mommy is going to get the book she got for Uncle Ryan when you little cousin Joss was born. Hopefully between bathroom breaks Daddy can brush up on our anatomy, lol.
So, at 17 weeks what are you doing...lets see....GROWING!!!! You weigh about 5 ozs and are about 5 inches long!!! That's about the span of Mommy's hand spread all the way out! You can also now move your joints because they are getting stronger and can really start to Boogie! Your senses are developing, like hearing and of light.
Mommy, though she said she was not going to, bought a Doppler so she can hear you in addition to feel you. We are going to have so much fun with that.
Anyhoo, below is your picture and maybe later I will know if you will be boy boogie or girl boogie!!!!

ReplyDeleteGills ? ? ?
ReplyDeleteYou so crazy.
Kennedy, Thank God for the internet. You're gonna need it.
Love Ya