Contact Me

Ask me anything!

Hair, love, life, whatever. I'm not an expert on any of those things, but hopefully can provide some witty and awesomely insightful advice!


If you would like to be featured as a Natural Soro, please answer the questions below and send your pictures to the above email address.

1. How long have you been natural?
2. Did you transition or go straight bc?
3. Why did you go natural?
4. Were you attached when you made the decision? If so, did your mate have an opinion?
5. What is your favorite style so far?
6. What are your favorite products?
7. What is your regimen and what do you do with your hair at night?
8. Do you have any advice for newly naturals?
9. What have you learned about yourself throughout the journey?
10. Will this thing last forever eva?