I know...Mommy is getting later and later with her posts. I used to work on them at work or when I got home from work. But now, since my assignment has changed I am in front of a computer ALL day and can't stand to see it when I get home. Again, I'm going to make sure Daddy helps Mommy a little with this.
So, we made it to the second trimester Lil' Boogie!!! I'm so happy to be at this new stage with you. Well be here for a while (through July 17, 2008), lol. Your mom is in her 4th month of pregnancy! That seems like a lot doesn't it, lol. I keep trying to make up milestones because I really can't wait to see you and have you in my arms.
So, whats going on with you this week...lets see... fingerprints formed on your tiny fingertips. This will be one of your only identifiers and they will never change. How awesome! Your veins and organs are clearly visible through your still-thin skin and your body is starting to catch up with your head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. You are almost 3 inches long!
Its so crazy when i look at the picture below in comparison with the other weeks. You little pooch keeps getting bigger and bigger...and this week Mommy could def feel it! I'd swear I could feel your little flutters, seriously! Its so awesome, when I move or change positions, I can feel you reacting. These are really small virbrations, but I can feel it.
Anyhoo, they say this is the best trimester...so far, Mommy has still been a ball of emotions, not really having much energy, wanting to clean, cook, etc. Hopefully that "burst" of energy everyone talks about is coming soon.
So, we made it to the second trimester Lil' Boogie!!! I'm so happy to be at this new stage with you. Well be here for a while (through July 17, 2008), lol. Your mom is in her 4th month of pregnancy! That seems like a lot doesn't it, lol. I keep trying to make up milestones because I really can't wait to see you and have you in my arms.
So, whats going on with you this week...lets see... fingerprints formed on your tiny fingertips. This will be one of your only identifiers and they will never change. How awesome! Your veins and organs are clearly visible through your still-thin skin and your body is starting to catch up with your head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. You are almost 3 inches long!
Its so crazy when i look at the picture below in comparison with the other weeks. You little pooch keeps getting bigger and bigger...and this week Mommy could def feel it! I'd swear I could feel your little flutters, seriously! Its so awesome, when I move or change positions, I can feel you reacting. These are really small virbrations, but I can feel it.

Awww, I remember when I first started feeling the kids move. Just tell him/her to stay away from your ribs (so not comfortable)-lol. Hi Lil Boog!!