Mommy has been busy, busy, busy and hasn't been able to update as much as I'd like to. I'm going to basically just let you know everything that has been going on with you the past couple of weeks.
You are 1 day shy of 16 weeks! You are growing up so fast and your Mommy is at awe! This past weekend your entire family was here to see you! Both your Grandma's, Both your Aunt Donna's, your cousins, and friends. It was Mommy's Bridal Shower and we had a blast! I'm so glad everyone was able to make it!
You in the past couple of weeks have continued to progress. You are about the size of an apple and Mommy would swear she can feel you moving around more and more everyday. Your legs are now longer than your arms, your lungs are beginning to develop, your heart is pumping and you are even growing toenails!!! I love it!
I have my check up tomorrow where I get Quad Testing. This testing makes sure everything with you is good, and I know it will be because you are so blessed already! I'm going to try to coerce the doctor to do a quick check to see if you are a girl or boy, but if now, we'll have 2 more weeks to wait.
I miss hearing your heartbeat and can't wait to hear it tomorrow morning! I wish Daddy would've let me buy that Doppler, lol.
I'm going to attach your picture of how big you are this week!