Wednesday, February 18, 2009 sure...

Ok, so since I've had the baby, something bad has happened to my memory. I had a topic picked out for today's blog. Rae Pembroke loves...something...wait, okay, whatever. I had to go to the bathroom, but sidetracked with a work email and then...poof! Like fucking smoke it disappeared.

My hubby has been saying that I "allegedly" don't tell him things I think I do, or don't communicate my wants that I think I say, but come on...he's a man. Men do this all the time, say they don't hear you, you didn't say it, etc as a way to get out of things. But recently my mom said I did it to her. I said I asked her to go to the store and she said I didn't. I feel she and I had a whole conversation about the store and she says that never took place.

Last night, my hubby said its becoming a real problem and now I went totally blank during my blog topic. it me or has my hubby rubbed off on my mom? I pick the later, lmao.

I think carrying another person zapped all my good stuff. My ability to think and say what i'm thinking out loud, my ability to tone up fat...especially in my belly, my ability to give a damn about most things, lol. Oh well...I guess the next blog will be Rae Pembroke loves...ginko golaba, lmao.