So, I know you are wondering how did we get to a 2 day count down so fast right Kennedy...well the story goes something like this...
Your mom is crazy, lol. Not in a "commit me to a mental institution type way" but more in a crazy about my baby way! I have fallen so in love with you and the prospect of delivering you and bringing you home I can't wait any longer.
You due date is 6 days away, but Mommy has a sticky suspision you had no plans on coming then either. I'm not showing any progress of going into labor so we are going to come in and get you just 4 days early! I know, I may stress you out a little, but get ready because I need you in my life and feel I can't go on another day without holding you in my arms.
Dr. Sikand thinks it is also a good idea that we have a more "planned" delivery so Mommy can be as relaxed as possible, no stress, no traffic, and just focus on you. I really hope and pray you totally cooperate with the induction and make it quick and easy.
After the ultrasound yesterday, we see you are 7.5 lbs already, everything in your body is well formed and working, we just need you out here:-) I also saw you have little hair on your head and you were too cute! I can't sleep for dreaming and thinking about you and how you will feel and look and smell. I'm just so anxious to get to you.
Anyhoo, I'm on my way to pick up your Grandma from the airport. I know she wasn't expecting to go into Grandma mode so fast. I've def shocked many with the decision to go forward with induction early. Your Aunts Deanna and Amber will be out of town so they will have to see you when they get back and we are at home. Your uncle B is having his reception on Sunday (which we were planning to attend had you not come) but he will also see you soon enough. We will have time to bond before the circus starts, lol.
I love you and see you in a couple of days!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
10 Days Left!!!

Hey lil' mama!
I'm 38 weeks, that means you only have less than 2 weeks left. I had my Dr. appt Tuesday and because your Mommy is over anxious to see you, we may induce next weekend if you don't come. Me and Daddy are going to try to wait for you though, but I'm soooooo excited to see you. If you come on your own though between now and then, that'd be awesome! I know you want to see me too!!!
Me and Daddy had my preggo photoshoot thanks to Auntie Deanna. I wasn't going to do it because my belly has gotten sooooooo stretched out of control, but she reminded me you will most likely be our first, our last, our everything, so I need to capture the moment.
I think Daddy did really good on the photos! And I touched them up to make them look even better. We are a great team. I can't wait til you come because between me and Mema, you will have more pictures than you know what to do with.
I can't sleep as usual, I think you have made me noctornal (only sleep in the day). Either that or Daddy's snoring has got increasingly worse. We will def be putting him out once you come because we will need our rest, lol. I let him snore it up for the most part now and go to sleep when he leaves for work.
I love you...and I can't wait to see you...its getting sooooo close Kenny!
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