Hey Kenny,
Daddy wanted to tell you that hes waiting for you to get here. I cant wait.
You scared Mommy and Daddy last Friday by not moving around in there, so we went into the
Hospital. Longest Drive of your fathers life, he got from Columbia where I work to Fairfax VA in like 15 seconds, lol, but you were fine. Healthy as an Ox in there.
Daddy traded in his old truck for a newer one so you can be safe and comfortable and happy. I hope youll like it. You better like it cause Daddy and Mommy work really hard, and money doesnt grow on trees, and if the kids down the block jumped off a bridge would you, lol...just practicing kiddo. lol, My Dad used to call me kiddo. That sounds like a good name for you.
Anyway It was Daddys birthday this past weekend. Mommy bought me a new camera so I can (and will) annoy the heck out of you every waking moment!....also Grandma Murray and your cousin Anna were here on her way back to Detroit from South Carolina. They helped Daddy celebrate his birthday, and Mommy got Daddy a cake with his face on it, Im sure you'll have plenty of those in your lifetime. Get ready.
I love it when they visit. So anyway its week 31 and you have just a few more weeks of cooking left, Me Uncle Kev,Uncle Kahlil, and Uncle Ash are gonna put your furniture together this weekend. So wish us luck, we'll definitely take pictures so u can laugh at us. lol..You take care and keep cooking, Daddy has to go back to work so talk to you later.
Love you , bye.
Kiss momma for me, from the inside....lol