Thursday, August 28, 2008

Historic Day...Hopefully Historic Year


You are going to be born in a very important year. Yesterday for the first time in History the Democratic Party nominated a black man for Presidential candidate. Hopefully a month afer you are born we will have our first Black President. My wish is that you grow up in a world where it wont matter as much to you as it does to me.

Love you


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We're getting Closer

Me and your mama are getting anxious. Its less than two months away little girl and you are getting big the Dr said. We're getting your room ready and your baby shower is this weekend.
Everything is geting real now baby. Youve already turned your little self around like its time to move already. SLOW DOWN. Whats the ush young lady??....I hope you like your room once its done, and I hope you are a big ol healthy baby, and come out sleeping, and laughing for Dad. Probably not huh, well Dads getting used to not sleeping so much so we'll see how you act. Well I gotta go back to work. Next Post we'll have a million pictures and maybe some videos from your shower. HOPE you get some nice stuff kiddo.

Bye Love you


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Week 31 (Daddy Edition)

Hey Kenny,
Daddy wanted to tell you that hes waiting for you to get here. I cant wait.
You scared Mommy and Daddy last Friday by not moving around in there, so we went into the
Hospital. Longest Drive of your fathers life, he got from Columbia where I work to Fairfax VA in like 15 seconds, lol, but you were fine. Healthy as an Ox in there.

Daddy traded in his old truck for a newer one so you can be safe and comfortable and happy. I hope youll like it. You better like it cause Daddy and Mommy work really hard, and money doesnt grow on trees, and if the kids down the block jumped off a bridge would you, lol...just practicing kiddo. lol, My Dad used to call me kiddo. That sounds like a good name for you.

Anyway It was Daddys birthday this past weekend. Mommy bought me a new camera so I can (and will) annoy the heck out of you every waking moment!....also Grandma Murray and your cousin Anna were here on her way back to Detroit from South Carolina. They helped Daddy celebrate his birthday, and Mommy got Daddy a cake with his face on it, Im sure you'll have plenty of those in your lifetime. Get ready.

I love it when they visit. So anyway its week 31 and you have just a few more weeks of cooking left, Me Uncle Kev,Uncle Kahlil, and Uncle Ash are gonna put your furniture together this weekend. So wish us luck, we'll definitely take pictures so u can laugh at us. lol..You take care and keep cooking, Daddy has to go back to work so talk to you later.

Love you , bye.

Kiss momma for me, from the

Friday, August 8, 2008


Kennedy! Mommy is at 30 weeks...with less than 10 weeks to go until we see your pretty face! You have no idea how much emotion this milestone brings up in me. I'm so ready to see you and crave holding you in my arms, I dream about you at night...and I'm also nervous because Daddy and I have so much to do before you get here.

Daddy and the boys are going to work on your room next weekend. Mommy just has to figure out how it will be decorated. Daddy also bought a new car this weekend! It was a LONG time coming, but we really needed a back up car for when you come (or in case you get tricky and come early). I feel so much more calm knowing we have a larger safe vehicle for you.

This week, they say you are stealing calcium from me, but I don't mind, I'll share. You are building strong bones right now so you be healthy. You are also getting bigger and bigger and Mommy can tell because my belly is poking way out there (i'll have Daddy post a new pick). You are almost done cooking for the most part, but your lungs and heart and steadily getting strong with each day you are in there.

Mommy can feel you moving around so much now and you are so strong. We wake up about the same time everyday and I can feel you getting ready for the day, lol. I love being able to feel you move and see my belly move with you. I love you so much and can't wait to hold you in my arms.