Hi Baby!
You are 24 weeks (and 5 days, mommy's a little late with the post, lol). You are really moving along in your gestation (growing in my belly). This week they say you are about the length of a large ear of corn and have gained about 1/4 of a pound since last week! Can you believe it!
Mommy had her 24 week checkup on Friday. It went well, besides Mommy's new side affect of pregnancy which is being super emotional. Mommy can cry at the drop of a hat...seriously, if I was to drop my hat, I'd probably cry cuz I couldn't bend down to pick it up. Dr. Sikand said it was pretty normal pregnancy blues and it comes from the surge in hormones. I think its a super serge since I am carrying a girl and now have double the girl hormones I'd typically have.
Your Daddy has been great for us though. He has been being so sweet and understanding to Mommy's emotions and trying to help her feel better...but I'm sure that's easier sad than done, lol. We will have to make sure we both spoil Daddy a little after you are born, deal?
Mommy gained 6 lbs since last month which is awesome because I wasn't gaining weight for a while. Also, your lungs are developing now so that you will take a huge big breath when you are born.
I love you!