You are here!!! You were born at 2:28 PM on October 11th 2008 by C-Section. I went in for my induction on October 10 and after trying to get my cervix to move all night and half the next day, Dr. Sikand decided that we were both better off to go in for surgery.
The surgery was about 20 minutes after I got my epidural and then after some tugging, and while talking to your daddy, out your little head popped...and I heard you cry. It was the best feeling in the world. After that, they pulled you out and I saw you for the first time. Your Daddy took pictures of you and then they brought you over to me.
Though I was tied down because of the surgery that was still going on, they put you close to my face and I saw you up close. I felt your face close to mine, I smelled cried and I cried. It was the day that my life changed for ever.
After we bonded briefly your Daddy took you out and they finished the surgery patching mommy up.
You are now home and I'm finally getting a moment to updat and say you made it here, but I'm so happy. I will post pictures of your arrival and many pictures of the days throughout.
You are so perfect...everything in its place. Lips like Momma cheeks like daddy and a head full of beautiful black hair. You are more of a blessing than I could ever have asked for. You are everything to me and I vow to work hard to make everyday a better day for you and to be the best Mommy you will ever have.
I'm watching you sleep right now and though my nights and days have been hard I would not change them for the world and love you more than I love myself.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
2 days Left...Oh My!!!
So, I know you are wondering how did we get to a 2 day count down so fast right Kennedy...well the story goes something like this...
Your mom is crazy, lol. Not in a "commit me to a mental institution type way" but more in a crazy about my baby way! I have fallen so in love with you and the prospect of delivering you and bringing you home I can't wait any longer.
You due date is 6 days away, but Mommy has a sticky suspision you had no plans on coming then either. I'm not showing any progress of going into labor so we are going to come in and get you just 4 days early! I know, I may stress you out a little, but get ready because I need you in my life and feel I can't go on another day without holding you in my arms.
Dr. Sikand thinks it is also a good idea that we have a more "planned" delivery so Mommy can be as relaxed as possible, no stress, no traffic, and just focus on you. I really hope and pray you totally cooperate with the induction and make it quick and easy.
After the ultrasound yesterday, we see you are 7.5 lbs already, everything in your body is well formed and working, we just need you out here:-) I also saw you have little hair on your head and you were too cute! I can't sleep for dreaming and thinking about you and how you will feel and look and smell. I'm just so anxious to get to you.
Anyhoo, I'm on my way to pick up your Grandma from the airport. I know she wasn't expecting to go into Grandma mode so fast. I've def shocked many with the decision to go forward with induction early. Your Aunts Deanna and Amber will be out of town so they will have to see you when they get back and we are at home. Your uncle B is having his reception on Sunday (which we were planning to attend had you not come) but he will also see you soon enough. We will have time to bond before the circus starts, lol.
I love you and see you in a couple of days!!!
Your mom is crazy, lol. Not in a "commit me to a mental institution type way" but more in a crazy about my baby way! I have fallen so in love with you and the prospect of delivering you and bringing you home I can't wait any longer.
You due date is 6 days away, but Mommy has a sticky suspision you had no plans on coming then either. I'm not showing any progress of going into labor so we are going to come in and get you just 4 days early! I know, I may stress you out a little, but get ready because I need you in my life and feel I can't go on another day without holding you in my arms.
Dr. Sikand thinks it is also a good idea that we have a more "planned" delivery so Mommy can be as relaxed as possible, no stress, no traffic, and just focus on you. I really hope and pray you totally cooperate with the induction and make it quick and easy.
After the ultrasound yesterday, we see you are 7.5 lbs already, everything in your body is well formed and working, we just need you out here:-) I also saw you have little hair on your head and you were too cute! I can't sleep for dreaming and thinking about you and how you will feel and look and smell. I'm just so anxious to get to you.
Anyhoo, I'm on my way to pick up your Grandma from the airport. I know she wasn't expecting to go into Grandma mode so fast. I've def shocked many with the decision to go forward with induction early. Your Aunts Deanna and Amber will be out of town so they will have to see you when they get back and we are at home. Your uncle B is having his reception on Sunday (which we were planning to attend had you not come) but he will also see you soon enough. We will have time to bond before the circus starts, lol.
I love you and see you in a couple of days!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
10 Days Left!!!

Hey lil' mama!
I'm 38 weeks, that means you only have less than 2 weeks left. I had my Dr. appt Tuesday and because your Mommy is over anxious to see you, we may induce next weekend if you don't come. Me and Daddy are going to try to wait for you though, but I'm soooooo excited to see you. If you come on your own though between now and then, that'd be awesome! I know you want to see me too!!!
Me and Daddy had my preggo photoshoot thanks to Auntie Deanna. I wasn't going to do it because my belly has gotten sooooooo stretched out of control, but she reminded me you will most likely be our first, our last, our everything, so I need to capture the moment.
I think Daddy did really good on the photos! And I touched them up to make them look even better. We are a great team. I can't wait til you come because between me and Mema, you will have more pictures than you know what to do with.
I can't sleep as usual, I think you have made me noctornal (only sleep in the day). Either that or Daddy's snoring has got increasingly worse. We will def be putting him out once you come because we will need our rest, lol. I let him snore it up for the most part now and go to sleep when he leaves for work.
I love you...and I can't wait to see you...its getting sooooo close Kenny!
Monday, September 29, 2008
My baby's room!
Mommy and Mema had been BEGGING Daddy to put pictures of your fabulous nursery online, so today after my walk, I decided I better go ahead and post these pictures before you actually get here, lol. We love Daddy, but he can be a with things. I can't wait until you get here so we can both put the pressure on him, lol.
Attached are the pictures of your stroller and car seat, swing and bassinet/pack and play. You'll probably sleep there before you go to your room for a while. Also are pix of your fabulous room, I can't wait to take picture with you in here!
Tomorrow Mommy has her 38 week check up! Ugh!!! I'm so excited to meet you. I've been wanting you to come early, but your Granddaddy had to have emergency surgery yesterday. He's doing much better, but he's going to be out of commision for a little bit and Grandma has to take care of him, so its okay if you wait a little while longer.
Friday, September 26, 2008
We have the network!
Your Daddy hooked up the wireless connection so now I am back on the computer!!! He also now has to upload pix of your nursery and other videos so everyone can see what an awesome job we did.
Your Grandma in Detroit also sent you some great curtains we hung today to block out the light so you can get to sleep. I can't wait til you see your room!
I tried to upload a video of me talking to you and showing off my belly but it was too big. I'll have to learn how to compress them and add it later.
Love you!!!!
Your Daddy hooked up the wireless connection so now I am back on the computer!!! He also now has to upload pix of your nursery and other videos so everyone can see what an awesome job we did.
Your Grandma in Detroit also sent you some great curtains we hung today to block out the light so you can get to sleep. I can't wait til you see your room!
I tried to upload a video of me talking to you and showing off my belly but it was too big. I'll have to learn how to compress them and add it later.
Love you!!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Mommy's not screaming at you Kennedy...she's screaming at her cervix:-) I had my 37 week check up yesterday and nothings happening. You are exactly where you are supposed to be, head down, low, locked and loaded. Mommy's body is just not opening up or thining out as soon as I hoped it'd be.
I hope to have you sooner than later. I've never craved anything or wanted anything more than to feel you in my arms and count your perfect little fingers and toes and kiss your sweet little plump lips. I'm very anxious and I know I'm driving your Daddy crazy but I can't help it. I want you to stay in there as long as you need to of course, but I want to hold you and talk to you so bad.
Yesterday, Mommy went to the hospital and Nikki had her baby! A 8 lb little boy named Daivon. I'm sure you guys will be fast friends as you will only be a couple of weeks apart. Though I'm extremely happy for Nikki, I'm sooooo ready to not be the only one pregnant. I've been walking and trying to get things moving. I have your fabulous bag packed (courtesy of Mema:-) I just have to pack my bag and we are ready to go.
I keep hearing stories about people having contractions and false labor, but other than a few Braxton Hicks here and there, you having been taking me through it. Which I love, and appreciate, but some sign labor is close would be great too:-)
I guess, worst case scenario we have 3 weeks until we meet, but if you want to surprise your Mommy early...I'm sooooooooo ready! I can't wait sweet baby!
I hope to have you sooner than later. I've never craved anything or wanted anything more than to feel you in my arms and count your perfect little fingers and toes and kiss your sweet little plump lips. I'm very anxious and I know I'm driving your Daddy crazy but I can't help it. I want you to stay in there as long as you need to of course, but I want to hold you and talk to you so bad.
Yesterday, Mommy went to the hospital and Nikki had her baby! A 8 lb little boy named Daivon. I'm sure you guys will be fast friends as you will only be a couple of weeks apart. Though I'm extremely happy for Nikki, I'm sooooo ready to not be the only one pregnant. I've been walking and trying to get things moving. I have your fabulous bag packed (courtesy of Mema:-) I just have to pack my bag and we are ready to go.
I keep hearing stories about people having contractions and false labor, but other than a few Braxton Hicks here and there, you having been taking me through it. Which I love, and appreciate, but some sign labor is close would be great too:-)
I guess, worst case scenario we have 3 weeks until we meet, but if you want to surprise your Mommy early...I'm sooooooooo ready! I can't wait sweet baby!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
35 weeks...where have Mommy and Daddy been!

Hey Lil Big Mama!
I know, I know, Mommy and Daddy have been terrible with blogging. You are 35 weeks and we have missed a few weeks. Basically you have just been getting Bigger and Bigger and moving lots!
News...Your Mommy is on official maternity leave. We couldn't do it anymore. I think 8 months is good though...we did well for ourselves, lol. Now I have time to sleep and get things ready for you...which doesn't typically happen because I am too sore and tired, but the idea is nice, lol.
You Daddy and I also finished your nursery, I will have him put pix and video of it on here. Its soooooo amazing! I know you are going to love it. Its a dream room for a girl! Its different shades of pink with hints of brown and lovely!
We also had your baby shower (pictures below) and you got lots of awesome gifts from our friends and family. Though of course Mommy was stressed leading up to it, it all turned out really well. We had so many people come from in town and out of town and it was awesome. We got almost everything we needed for you, lots of diapers, especially good.
Mommy is soooooo ready for you to come. I think you are ready too. Mommy has her next Dr appt next week and hopes they say I am a little dialated and the date is getting closer.
I love you soooo much and we are now ready for you too come!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Historic Day...Hopefully Historic Year
You are going to be born in a very important year. Yesterday for the first time in History the Democratic Party nominated a black man for Presidential candidate. Hopefully a month afer you are born we will have our first Black President. My wish is that you grow up in a world where it wont matter as much to you as it does to me.
Love you
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
We're getting Closer
Me and your mama are getting anxious. Its less than two months away little girl and you are getting big the Dr said. We're getting your room ready and your baby shower is this weekend.
Everything is geting real now baby. Youve already turned your little self around like its time to move already. SLOW DOWN. Whats the ush young lady??....I hope you like your room once its done, and I hope you are a big ol healthy baby, and come out sleeping, and laughing for Dad. Probably not huh, well Dads getting used to not sleeping so much so we'll see how you act. Well I gotta go back to work. Next Post we'll have a million pictures and maybe some videos from your shower. HOPE you get some nice stuff kiddo.
Bye Love you
Me and your mama are getting anxious. Its less than two months away little girl and you are getting big the Dr said. We're getting your room ready and your baby shower is this weekend.
Everything is geting real now baby. Youve already turned your little self around like its time to move already. SLOW DOWN. Whats the ush young lady??....I hope you like your room once its done, and I hope you are a big ol healthy baby, and come out sleeping, and laughing for Dad. Probably not huh, well Dads getting used to not sleeping so much so we'll see how you act. Well I gotta go back to work. Next Post we'll have a million pictures and maybe some videos from your shower. HOPE you get some nice stuff kiddo.
Bye Love you
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Week 31 (Daddy Edition)
Hey Kenny,
Daddy wanted to tell you that hes waiting for you to get here. I cant wait.
You scared Mommy and Daddy last Friday by not moving around in there, so we went into the
Hospital. Longest Drive of your fathers life, he got from Columbia where I work to Fairfax VA in like 15 seconds, lol, but you were fine. Healthy as an Ox in there.
Daddy traded in his old truck for a newer one so you can be safe and comfortable and happy. I hope youll like it. You better like it cause Daddy and Mommy work really hard, and money doesnt grow on trees, and if the kids down the block jumped off a bridge would you, lol...just practicing kiddo. lol, My Dad used to call me kiddo. That sounds like a good name for you.
Anyway It was Daddys birthday this past weekend. Mommy bought me a new camera so I can (and will) annoy the heck out of you every waking moment!....also Grandma Murray and your cousin Anna were here on her way back to Detroit from South Carolina. They helped Daddy celebrate his birthday, and Mommy got Daddy a cake with his face on it, Im sure you'll have plenty of those in your lifetime. Get ready.
I love it when they visit. So anyway its week 31 and you have just a few more weeks of cooking left, Me Uncle Kev,Uncle Kahlil, and Uncle Ash are gonna put your furniture together this weekend. So wish us luck, we'll definitely take pictures so u can laugh at us. lol..You take care and keep cooking, Daddy has to go back to work so talk to you later.
Love you , bye.
Kiss momma for me, from the
Daddy wanted to tell you that hes waiting for you to get here. I cant wait.
You scared Mommy and Daddy last Friday by not moving around in there, so we went into the
Hospital. Longest Drive of your fathers life, he got from Columbia where I work to Fairfax VA in like 15 seconds, lol, but you were fine. Healthy as an Ox in there.
Daddy traded in his old truck for a newer one so you can be safe and comfortable and happy. I hope youll like it. You better like it cause Daddy and Mommy work really hard, and money doesnt grow on trees, and if the kids down the block jumped off a bridge would you, lol...just practicing kiddo. lol, My Dad used to call me kiddo. That sounds like a good name for you.
Anyway It was Daddys birthday this past weekend. Mommy bought me a new camera so I can (and will) annoy the heck out of you every waking moment!....also Grandma Murray and your cousin Anna were here on her way back to Detroit from South Carolina. They helped Daddy celebrate his birthday, and Mommy got Daddy a cake with his face on it, Im sure you'll have plenty of those in your lifetime. Get ready.
I love it when they visit. So anyway its week 31 and you have just a few more weeks of cooking left, Me Uncle Kev,Uncle Kahlil, and Uncle Ash are gonna put your furniture together this weekend. So wish us luck, we'll definitely take pictures so u can laugh at us. lol..You take care and keep cooking, Daddy has to go back to work so talk to you later.
Love you , bye.
Kiss momma for me, from the
Friday, August 8, 2008
Kennedy! Mommy is at 30 weeks...with less than 10 weeks to go until we see your pretty face! You have no idea how much emotion this milestone brings up in me. I'm so ready to see you and crave holding you in my arms, I dream about you at night...and I'm also nervous because Daddy and I have so much to do before you get here.
Daddy and the boys are going to work on your room next weekend. Mommy just has to figure out how it will be decorated. Daddy also bought a new car this weekend! It was a LONG time coming, but we really needed a back up car for when you come (or in case you get tricky and come early). I feel so much more calm knowing we have a larger safe vehicle for you.
This week, they say you are stealing calcium from me, but I don't mind, I'll share. You are building strong bones right now so you be healthy. You are also getting bigger and bigger and Mommy can tell because my belly is poking way out there (i'll have Daddy post a new pick). You are almost done cooking for the most part, but your lungs and heart and steadily getting strong with each day you are in there.
Mommy can feel you moving around so much now and you are so strong. We wake up about the same time everyday and I can feel you getting ready for the day, lol. I love being able to feel you move and see my belly move with you. I love you so much and can't wait to hold you in my arms.
Daddy and the boys are going to work on your room next weekend. Mommy just has to figure out how it will be decorated. Daddy also bought a new car this weekend! It was a LONG time coming, but we really needed a back up car for when you come (or in case you get tricky and come early). I feel so much more calm knowing we have a larger safe vehicle for you.
This week, they say you are stealing calcium from me, but I don't mind, I'll share. You are building strong bones right now so you be healthy. You are also getting bigger and bigger and Mommy can tell because my belly is poking way out there (i'll have Daddy post a new pick). You are almost done cooking for the most part, but your lungs and heart and steadily getting strong with each day you are in there.
Mommy can feel you moving around so much now and you are so strong. We wake up about the same time everyday and I can feel you getting ready for the day, lol. I love being able to feel you move and see my belly move with you. I love you so much and can't wait to hold you in my arms.
Monday, July 28, 2008
28 weeks
Hey Lil' Mama,
You are 28 (+) weeks and Mommy is getting so excited! We have less than 11 weeks until you get here and sooooo much to do.
New for are now a kicking, moving, rotating machine! Whenever I put my hand on my belly, you touch it, or rotate and its so awesome! Its like we have our own little way of communicating! Daddy seems to think you are just getting big in there and don't have room and don't like people invading your space. Even in the morning when he puts his arm around me, you kick his elbow, lol. Too cute!!!
Mommy passed her glucose screening (diabetes test) so I can continue to eat as much cake and ice cream as I want. Very funny, I love ice cream now, and birthday cake. Only birthday style cake with lots of icing! I can't wait until your baby shower so we can order the sheet cake from Ms. Janet!!!
New for you, you are getting bigger and bigger. You are almost 3 lbs now! Your brain is developing and me and Daddy think you are going to be a genius. Also, you hair is getting longer. Mommy thinks you are going to have pretty thick hair just like her (whenever I let it grow, lol).
They also say by this time you should be rotating to a head down position. I'm sure you a way ahead of the curve on this and probably are where you need to be...or that may be all those movements I feel.
Anyhoo, only a couple more weeks before we get our 3D ultrasound and will be able to see your pretty face up close and personal! I can't wait.
You are 28 (+) weeks and Mommy is getting so excited! We have less than 11 weeks until you get here and sooooo much to do.
New for are now a kicking, moving, rotating machine! Whenever I put my hand on my belly, you touch it, or rotate and its so awesome! Its like we have our own little way of communicating! Daddy seems to think you are just getting big in there and don't have room and don't like people invading your space. Even in the morning when he puts his arm around me, you kick his elbow, lol. Too cute!!!
Mommy passed her glucose screening (diabetes test) so I can continue to eat as much cake and ice cream as I want. Very funny, I love ice cream now, and birthday cake. Only birthday style cake with lots of icing! I can't wait until your baby shower so we can order the sheet cake from Ms. Janet!!!
New for you, you are getting bigger and bigger. You are almost 3 lbs now! Your brain is developing and me and Daddy think you are going to be a genius. Also, you hair is getting longer. Mommy thinks you are going to have pretty thick hair just like her (whenever I let it grow, lol).
They also say by this time you should be rotating to a head down position. I'm sure you a way ahead of the curve on this and probably are where you need to be...or that may be all those movements I feel.
Anyhoo, only a couple more weeks before we get our 3D ultrasound and will be able to see your pretty face up close and personal! I can't wait.
Monday, July 21, 2008
27.5 weeks Photos
Daddy and I went to a BBQ in the day and a white party at night. You behaved even though we kept you out well past your bedtime, lol.
I promise we will put some recent preggo pix up now.
We had our 28 week Doctor appointment today! Daddy came and we got to ask the Doctor lots of questions about when you arrive. We have chose Fairfax hospital to have you in Virginia. I'm getting very excited as we are in the third trimester, only 12 weeks to go lil' Momma! You kicked the Doctor while she was checking your heartbeat, lol. Very cute. Mommy gained 4lbs and is right on target in size for your pending birth!
We love you!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Week 27 (Daddy Edition)

A Poem from Daddy
Its Summer and its hot outside and Mommys belly's growing
I cannot lie, I wish that we could birth you when its snowin
The heat can do a many thing, anger Mommy comes to mind
and it gets harder and harder to move around with mommys foot in my behind (kidding)
The real deal is Im proud of Mom she makes it look so easy
She cooks and cleans and makes me smile and keeps my fingers greasy (with chicken)
She even still makes Daddy smile when she walks into the room
and I can say it now cause shes my wife she still is VA VA Voom (Sorry Ray)
Now you young lady make my eyes well up with happy tears
When you kick my belly thru her belly like youre in there switching gears
I think of you being born and smiling grasping on my thumb
Your Mommmy wants me to sing to you, but the song I sing is dumb
I sing this goofy song for two reasons all around
one to make your mommy smile and make sure she doesnt frown
The other reason that I sing this goofy melody
Is when youre grown and make them laugh theyll know you got that from me
So what type Daddy will I be well dont get me to lyin..but
Laugh for Daddy , laugh for Mommy, dont laugh to keep from crying
Cause you and Mommy are my one distinct priority
So listen to your elders and respect authority
eat your veggies, go outside, and homework immediately
not too much soda not too much candy not so much TV
and always remember whenever you need it u can come to me
In closing I have to tell you something about your status see
Mommys gonna kill me, but I think youre bigger than a pea?
smaller than a turkey though, and you have all your senses now
So now you can hear mommy fuss at Daddy nice and clear and LOUD!
P.S. Ill put some pictures on here later on.:)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
25&26 weeks...Mommy's Rant
Hey Kennedy, my love!!!
I would like to apologize for you because we have not written in 2 weeks! Mommy has been dying to write to you but has been waiting for Daddy to bring home the camera so I can post the new preggo pictures I have of us. Its been a while since you have seen how big you have made Mommy and I wanted to show you.
I also BEGGED Daddy to write to you. He promised he would but in a day or 2 we would be on week 27 and still...nothing. I'm not sure what is going on and I want you to fuss at him when you are old enough to read this.
So, because I don't want you to suffer, my sweet baby, here are your updates.
You are now getting bigger and bigger! They say you are about the length of a very large cucumber, but I can feel you are larger than that! Mommy can feel you all the way under my ribs and all the way down to my pelvic bone. You are about a pound and two-thirds and 14 inches (or more).
You can now hear pretty good, so I'm sure you heard me tell Daddy to update your blog. You move a lot more and Mommy loves feeling it! Mommy has been having some pressure/pains in her hips and legs recently it hard for me to walk and lay down. Its kinda tough, but I know its all worth it for you!!!
Your Mema was here last week and brought you some cute onesies!!! In our favorite and brown. I think it helped to convince Daddy those were good colors to use for your things. Daddy and I registered for your things last week and hope we get all of them!
Also, your Grandma is here this week and brought you some cute things too. You are going to be really fly!!!
Anyhoo, I hope you Daddy will put up some new pictures...or else, Mommy may have another cryfest!
I love you!!!
I would like to apologize for you because we have not written in 2 weeks! Mommy has been dying to write to you but has been waiting for Daddy to bring home the camera so I can post the new preggo pictures I have of us. Its been a while since you have seen how big you have made Mommy and I wanted to show you.
I also BEGGED Daddy to write to you. He promised he would but in a day or 2 we would be on week 27 and still...nothing. I'm not sure what is going on and I want you to fuss at him when you are old enough to read this.
So, because I don't want you to suffer, my sweet baby, here are your updates.
You are now getting bigger and bigger! They say you are about the length of a very large cucumber, but I can feel you are larger than that! Mommy can feel you all the way under my ribs and all the way down to my pelvic bone. You are about a pound and two-thirds and 14 inches (or more).
You can now hear pretty good, so I'm sure you heard me tell Daddy to update your blog. You move a lot more and Mommy loves feeling it! Mommy has been having some pressure/pains in her hips and legs recently it hard for me to walk and lay down. Its kinda tough, but I know its all worth it for you!!!
Your Mema was here last week and brought you some cute onesies!!! In our favorite and brown. I think it helped to convince Daddy those were good colors to use for your things. Daddy and I registered for your things last week and hope we get all of them!
Also, your Grandma is here this week and brought you some cute things too. You are going to be really fly!!!
Anyhoo, I hope you Daddy will put up some new pictures...or else, Mommy may have another cryfest!
I love you!!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
24 Weeks (and 5 days)

Hi Baby!
You are 24 weeks (and 5 days, mommy's a little late with the post, lol). You are really moving along in your gestation (growing in my belly). This week they say you are about the length of a large ear of corn and have gained about 1/4 of a pound since last week! Can you believe it!
Mommy had her 24 week checkup on Friday. It went well, besides Mommy's new side affect of pregnancy which is being super emotional. Mommy can cry at the drop of a hat...seriously, if I was to drop my hat, I'd probably cry cuz I couldn't bend down to pick it up. Dr. Sikand said it was pretty normal pregnancy blues and it comes from the surge in hormones. I think its a super serge since I am carrying a girl and now have double the girl hormones I'd typically have.
Your Daddy has been great for us though. He has been being so sweet and understanding to Mommy's emotions and trying to help her feel better...but I'm sure that's easier sad than done, lol. We will have to make sure we both spoil Daddy a little after you are born, deal?
Mommy gained 6 lbs since last month which is awesome because I wasn't gaining weight for a while. Also, your lungs are developing now so that you will take a huge big breath when you are born.
I love you!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Good Morning Kenny!
Hi Baby,
I'm working from home today and can't stop thinking about you. I dreamt about you last night and I could see your arm print and leg print from the outside. I can't wait until that really happens! I can feel your little hands and tickle your little feet from the outside. It'll only be a few more weeks I'm sure because you are amazing and an overachiever, lol.
So, yesterday was a hard day and night for Mommy. I felt like my legs were like elephant trunks and my ankles and wrists are really achy. It could be from all the rain or from just being preggo. Your Grandma Murray suggested I talk to the Dr and possibly get some support stockings...:-( Mommy hates stockings, lol. We will try to do everything but that!
I came home from work and put my feet up. Daddy helped give Mommy a bath to make a her feel a little better (he's sweet when he wants to be). But then he needed a back rub because of too much leaning while helping Mommy in the bath, lol...we are getting old Kennedy.
Last night I felt like you decided to stand up in my belly. I felt so stretched out and gave your Daddy the flux because I couldn't get comfy. He doesn't have any problems getting comfy, so I'm sure you will sleep well with him. You probably already like his snoring and I'm sure you'll love lounging out on his belly when u get here.
Ok, I won't talk you to death this morning, I just can't wait to see you and kiss you and hold you. I love you!
I'm working from home today and can't stop thinking about you. I dreamt about you last night and I could see your arm print and leg print from the outside. I can't wait until that really happens! I can feel your little hands and tickle your little feet from the outside. It'll only be a few more weeks I'm sure because you are amazing and an overachiever, lol.
So, yesterday was a hard day and night for Mommy. I felt like my legs were like elephant trunks and my ankles and wrists are really achy. It could be from all the rain or from just being preggo. Your Grandma Murray suggested I talk to the Dr and possibly get some support stockings...:-( Mommy hates stockings, lol. We will try to do everything but that!
I came home from work and put my feet up. Daddy helped give Mommy a bath to make a her feel a little better (he's sweet when he wants to be). But then he needed a back rub because of too much leaning while helping Mommy in the bath, lol...we are getting old Kennedy.
Last night I felt like you decided to stand up in my belly. I felt so stretched out and gave your Daddy the flux because I couldn't get comfy. He doesn't have any problems getting comfy, so I'm sure you will sleep well with him. You probably already like his snoring and I'm sure you'll love lounging out on his belly when u get here.
Ok, I won't talk you to death this morning, I just can't wait to see you and kiss you and hold you. I love you!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
23 Weeks, only 17 to go!
Hey little mama!
You are 23 weeks and Mommy is soooooo excited everyday when she wakes up and feels you moving around in there. Its the best feeling in the world and even better, sometimes, when you kick really hard, I can see you from the outside. I know in the upcoming weeks, i'll be able to see you even more and I can't wait for those moments.
Sunday was Father's Day and your Daddy and I went to a cookout with all your soon to be uncles at the Barbershop. They were too surprised to see how big Mommy's belly got as she used to be nice and fit, lol. Mommy couldn't afford to go all out for Daddy for this father's day as we are super broke from the wedding and hopefully about to get a new car to tote you and all your things around. I'm sure he understood.
So, this week what is going on...they say you are fattening up! You are building brain cells and fat at a record high! Your skin is soft and wrinkly and you have eyebrows and hair coming in. And if its anything like Mommy, it'll be nice and thick, lol. You also weigh about a full pound now and look like a little baby doll.
Mommy dreams about how you look and feel all the time and can't wait to get you in my arms. I get fussed at a lot about not getting your baby room together, and not doing a nursery, but seriously Kenny, you and me are pretty much going to be together all the time, so who needs that stuff. At least until you are 14 and start hating me, lol.
Oh, in other random news three of your cousins (on Daddy's side) are also having babies! Its like a baby fest! There will be a baby born from September - January, so you will not be lonely at family events. But there will be a lot of diapers floating around come Christmas, lol.
I love you more than I ever knew I could love anything...
You are 23 weeks and Mommy is soooooo excited everyday when she wakes up and feels you moving around in there. Its the best feeling in the world and even better, sometimes, when you kick really hard, I can see you from the outside. I know in the upcoming weeks, i'll be able to see you even more and I can't wait for those moments.
Sunday was Father's Day and your Daddy and I went to a cookout with all your soon to be uncles at the Barbershop. They were too surprised to see how big Mommy's belly got as she used to be nice and fit, lol. Mommy couldn't afford to go all out for Daddy for this father's day as we are super broke from the wedding and hopefully about to get a new car to tote you and all your things around. I'm sure he understood.
So, this week what is going on...they say you are fattening up! You are building brain cells and fat at a record high! Your skin is soft and wrinkly and you have eyebrows and hair coming in. And if its anything like Mommy, it'll be nice and thick, lol. You also weigh about a full pound now and look like a little baby doll.
Mommy dreams about how you look and feel all the time and can't wait to get you in my arms. I get fussed at a lot about not getting your baby room together, and not doing a nursery, but seriously Kenny, you and me are pretty much going to be together all the time, so who needs that stuff. At least until you are 14 and start hating me, lol.
Oh, in other random news three of your cousins (on Daddy's side) are also having babies! Its like a baby fest! There will be a baby born from September - January, so you will not be lonely at family events. But there will be a lot of diapers floating around come Christmas, lol.
I love you more than I ever knew I could love anything...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Platinum cost me 22!!

Kennedy! You are 22 weeks and getting bigger and bigger. Today was the most awesome day, because Mommy felt and saw you move! I was in class at work and you were moving like crazy. And then I looked down at my shirt and I saw it moving too!!! Its the first time I've seen you moving on the outside and it was awesome!
Your kicks have been getting stronger and stronger and I'm so happy because it helps me not worry as much about are you okay (though I did sneak and listen to your heartbeat in the bathroom the other night).
Anyhoo, Daddy's new job is going well and that makes Mommy happy. His old job was stressing me and you out, lol.
I'm attaching pictures from the wedding (per Mema's request) for you to see and our trip to Vegas. It was a blast!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
21 Weeks (Daddy Edition)

Kennedy, Its me Dadddy, Just wanted to let u know whats been going on this week. Mommy wants me to look at what fruit u resemble this week, and all that good stuff but thats not daddy edition. So heres my account. Daddy starts a new job tomorrow. Im praying its the perfect fit so I will be happy and stress free when you get here not like Daddys old job. I felt you moving around in there for the first time too, very crazy. What you got going on in there? There BETTER not be no boys in there with you!..just practicing. Cant wait for you to get here. We saw your ultrasound a week or so ago, and you look just like me. Mommy thought you had big lips, but I told her u didn't..your mouth was open, though and that is just like your mommy , ALWAYS yappin, :). well I'm gonna get some sleep, because your mom will wake me up at about 3:30 for a cheeseburger or something crazy, lol.....If you can remember, Daddy likes to sleep at night, so you look out for your old man. Good night babygirl....I'll talk to u soon.
PS I attached a picture of your mommy and my wedding, you were there, ( in her belly) and all your family was there too, they cant wait to meet you.
Friday, May 30, 2008
20 weeks!
Kennedy (that's you name and we love it). You are 20 weeks and Mommy can feel you more than ever!
Last week was your first trip to the west coast. Mommy and Daddy got married in Las Vegas, NV and it was great. The weather cooled down for us and everything! Mommy def walked way too much and ate at all the wrong times, but you made it through!
Mommy and you are "officially" Smith's! Brandiss Rae Smith and Kennedy Rae Smith, that sounds awesome!
Today, Mommy and Daddy went to your 20 week appointment. We got to see you again and you are as usual perfect! You already have perfect fingers and toes, they are all there and look awesome. No club foot, no defects, perfect! You have a perfect head, perfect body, and everything is on target for you to be 40 weeks.
Mommy was so excited to see you she forgot to see how long you were and how much you weigh, but I'm guessing you are about 9-11 oz, and about 10 inches long from foot to heel...about the length of a banana. You had a full belly and bladder which means you are digesting good and eating which is awesome and Mommy gained 8lbs so finally, we both are eating good!
I asked your Daddy to bring your new ultrasound picture up here, but in true Daddy form, he's hardheaded and hasn't so I'm going to make sure he posts it later.
We love you Kennedy!
Last week was your first trip to the west coast. Mommy and Daddy got married in Las Vegas, NV and it was great. The weather cooled down for us and everything! Mommy def walked way too much and ate at all the wrong times, but you made it through!
Mommy and you are "officially" Smith's! Brandiss Rae Smith and Kennedy Rae Smith, that sounds awesome!
Today, Mommy and Daddy went to your 20 week appointment. We got to see you again and you are as usual perfect! You already have perfect fingers and toes, they are all there and look awesome. No club foot, no defects, perfect! You have a perfect head, perfect body, and everything is on target for you to be 40 weeks.
Mommy was so excited to see you she forgot to see how long you were and how much you weigh, but I'm guessing you are about 9-11 oz, and about 10 inches long from foot to heel...about the length of a banana. You had a full belly and bladder which means you are digesting good and eating which is awesome and Mommy gained 8lbs so finally, we both are eating good!
I asked your Daddy to bring your new ultrasound picture up here, but in true Daddy form, he's hardheaded and hasn't so I'm going to make sure he posts it later.
We love you Kennedy!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Your latest snapshoot!

Yesterday, May 18, Daddy and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary of when we first met. We went back to the scene of the crime, lol. Its changed a lot, but we had a good dinner. I'm so glad we were at the right place at the right time last year because you were a product of our meeting.
This weekend Mommy and Daddy are also getting married! You will be there which is too cute. I can't wait because Mommy need a vacation and Daddy does too. And we will officially be The Smiths!
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